Ulrike Ehlert
- Professor of Clinical Psychology at University of Zurich/CH
Ehlert studies sociology and psychology at the University Trier/Germany where she also received her Ph.D. She is certified psychotherapist and made ample practical experiences as Head of the Psychological Consultation Liaison Services of the University of Trier, at the Herz-Jesu-Krankenhaus, and the Mutterhaus der Borromäerinnen in Trier, before she got full professorship in Zurich/Switzerland in 1999. Her research is concerned with many unsolved questions from Psychobiology and Behavioral Medicine, focussing, among other topics, on the psychobiology of stress and stress related disorders, as well as on the psychoendocrinological determinants of partnership quality, conflict resolution, and transition to parenthood. Since 2000 she is head of the research group "Behavioral Neurobiology" at the Center of Neuroscience of the ETH & the University of Zurich.
Headquarter Universität Vienna
Liebiggasse 5
1010 Wien